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A member registered Jul 13, 2021

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ah you've done a lot of things and that sounds so interesting! Speaking of "scary game", in this game, the night of the old tomb village(sry I didn't remember its name clearly) was also good. yup it was quite thrilling. I think the next game will be awesome, too!

haha that was my mistake I should have used normal Chrome. By the way, is this the 1st (large)game you made??? so surprised :O

like it. hand drawn(am I right?) arts are so unique. some characters push my buttons but other NPCs mostly good. yeah I mean that near by Thief Field. anyway, also numerous places with fabulous names are cool. Its nice to see constellations at night. It was harder than I thought to go around all the maps, but it was totally nice journey.(even though I couldn't finish it) 

the one thing makes me feel empty is that my savefile was gone. how stupid, I'd played it at Chrome incognito mode and savefile was cleared after I refreshed browser. :(

creepy cherry blossom journey. i dont know what ending means but i enjoyed this game

it react as well at chrome browser. i hoping for a good name soon

와 가뭄에 콩나듯이 보이는 한국어게임.. 건승하세요. 

wait I missed ancient maze scroll noo

thanks for the list! now I know I've already found them all. that makes me feel at ease.

hello dev.

I enjoyed this game a lot. the art of pixel, music, and  metroidvania concept was perfect. I spent almost 3days to finish this game.(maybe 10hours or more?) yeah it was not easy to DONT DIE even I had many power ups.

anyway I beat it and I found 8-9 of power-ups(exclude postcard,map,homeblock) from colored coins. but numbers are not sure because my world(inventory) was cleared after ending and I lost my screenshot :(

Now I want to know. Did I got all of power ups? how many power ups in game? 

if you say more power-ups are left, I'll replay the game to find all.

I just signed up a few minutes ago to post a topic. thanks to you made this great game.